All rights to the website are reserved. All information and materials (written, pictorial and other) on the website are protected (copyright or other forms of protection) and owned by BMG turistične storitve d.o.o. (hereinafter BMG), and related partners, whose contents and materials are included in the website

All commercial forms of use, reproduction or any kind of dissemination of content and materials on the website for commercial purposes is not allowed without written permission. The user may use the content on the website only for his personal use and in no way for commercial purposes. BMG may change the legal notice at any time, and it is binding on users in any form changed.

Privacy and protection of personal data

When you browse the website, your identity is anonymous, personal data is not collected, your privacy is respected and protected. For statistical purposes only, BMG reserves the right to obtain certain data, which, however, does not reveal the identity of the website visitor. Only for the purpose of communication, registration, login, receiving messages, notifications and news will visitors in some places trust their personal data. BMG guarantees and undertakes to protect the collected personal data (in accordance with the provisions of applicable law) and not to pass it on to third parties or unauthorized persons. The personal data collected will only be used for the purposes for which it was provided by visitors.

The website uses cookies for smooth operation. The content of the website and any data obtained are stored on a server that is adequately physically and programmatically protected.

Privacy and security of personal data of authorized bmg contractors

The maintainer of the website is the company BMG turistične storitve d.o.o., which performs the tasks of maintaining and supporting the website. BMG and any other external partners and companies that perform activities for BMG within the website undertake to process personal data only within the scope of BMG’s authorizations and will not process it for any other purpose.

Warning regarding unauthorized or incorrect use

For security reasons and to ensure uninterrupted use by all users, BMG uses software to record traffic and to identify unauthorized attempts to upload or modify information or any other means of causing harm. Only in the case of authorized lawful investigations can information from these sources be used solely to identify individuals.

Disclaimer of liability

BMG is not responsible for damage (including those caused by viruses) to computer equipment, mobile phones or any other application through which the website can be accessed, due to the user’s visit to the website or other use. BMG is not responsible for any damage that may occur due to the use or inability to use the website

The contents, information and materials on the website are exclusively of an informative nature. BMG strives to ensure the accuracy, timeliness and completeness of the published data, information and materials, but does not assume any legal responsibility for their accuracy. BMG is not responsible for the content of texts and other materials published by the administrators of BMG’s contractual partners.

BMG reserves the right to change the content of the website at any time, in any way and for any reason without prior notice, and does not assume any responsibility for any consequences of such changes.

External links

Some subpages of may contain links to other external websites, such as other portals, individual websites or other sources. BMG is not responsible for the accessibility, content or errors of external links, nor can users of the website assume that external link websites respect the same principles regarding respect for privacy and protection of personal data as BMG adheres to.

Unexpected ads

When you visit our websites, your internet browser may produce unexpected ads. These ads are most likely produced by other Internet sites or other software installed on your computer. BMG does not endorse or recommend the products or services displayed through unexpected advertisements on your computer while visiting our websites.


Our websites contain materials and content that are protected by copyright, for which the participating authors or other copyright holders retain the rights of reproduction and redistribution. All persons reproducing or redistributing the materials are expected to comply with the terms and conditions required by the authors or copyright holders. However, protected materials may only be cited and used in good faith, in accordance with copyright regulations that generally allow use for non-commercial educational purposes such as learning, research, criticism, news, and reporting.